Detailed translations for "bauvorhaben"

das Bauvorhaben{neuter}

Bauvorhaben(also: Baumaßnahme)
Nein, du hattest nur dieses Bauvorhaben im Kopf.
No, what you did do was get a building project going.
Er war den ganzen Tag unterwegs, um ein großen Bauvorhaben in Canarsie abzuschließen.
He's been driving around all day, locking down some big construction project in Canarsie.

Bauvorhaben{masculine plural}

Ich gucke mal nach den Bauvorhaben hier in der Gegend.
I would like to look at the building projects of the area.
Bauvorhaben(also: Bauprojekte)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.