About voc.la

voc.la is run by a small team of language and IT enthusiasts. We want to provide the best and some day the largest online resource for languages. We started developing this site in April 2019 and continue doing so in many incremental steps.

To improve our content we are always looking for new translation content. If you want to support voc.la we are looking forward hearing from you.

How to use voc.la

All of our online dictionaries are bi-lingual dictionaries. After choosing your language combination you can search for words in both languages. If you select the English-German dictionary for example, you can search for translations of English and German words. The website will show you all results - in some cases even for both languages at the same time.

Next to the typical dictionary entries we are building a senctence database to better show the sense of a word. For a German native it might be hard to understand the difference between 'lucky' and 'happy' as both translate to "glücklich" in German. Having sentences next to the translations will explain the difference.
Please note that we are still building this sentence database and contineously update the content.

Our dictionaries

For your convenience we have listed both directions for each dictionary. Yet you can use either version of each dictionary to find translations for both languages. All of our dictionaries are true bilingual and bidirectional.