"leblos" in English

leblos {adj.}

Detailed translations for "leblos"




Bitte, Mutter... ich will nicht wie Daddy enden... leblos von einem Fächerahorn baumelnd.
Please, Mother, I... I don't want to end up like Daddy. Swinging lifeless on a Japanese maple.
Ihr Partner lag leblos auf dem Boden und der einzige, der der Schütze hätte sein können, waren Sie.
Your partner laying lifeless on the ground, the only one that could have shot him was you.


leblos(also: unbelebt)
Am Tag die Köpfe abzuschneiden, wenn sie leblos sind, war meist ausreichend, um das Objekt am
Cutting off the heads during the day when they are inanimate has been sufficient, in most cases, to

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.