"lehmziegel" in English

Detailed translations for "lehmziegel"

der Lehmziegel{masculine}

1. construction

Lehmziegel(also: Luftziegel, Lehmziegelbau, Adobe)
Holt Steine, Lehmziegel und Balken, alles, was uns Deckung verschafft. Geht an die Arbeit.
Get rocks, timbers, adobe blocks, anything a man can stay alive behind, and start building.
Als Koch bist du bestimmt gut darin, Lehmziegel zu backen, Charley.
As a cook, Charley, I'll bet you're a whiz at baking adobe bricks.

2. other


3. construction, luftgetrockneter


Lehmziegel{masculine plural}

Lehmziegel(also: Luftziegel)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.