"schmiede" in English

Schmiede {m pl}

Detailed translations for "schmiede"

Schmiede{masculine plural}

Ich brauchte sechs Monate, um das Schloss zu entwerfen, und zwei Schmiede einen Monat, um die Tür
It took me six months to design this lock, two smiths a month to construct the door.
Lannister Schmiede scheißen besseren Stahl.

die Schmiede{feminine}

Schmiede(also: Schmiedearbeit)
Schmiede(also: Schmiedefeuer)
Er nahm den Schmied mit in die Schmiede und sagte, daß er das Honorar für das Fimfarum will.
He took the blacksmith into his forge saying he had come for his payment.
Sie kehrten in ihre Schmiede zurück und schufen...ein weiteres Herz.
So they went back to their forge and brought forth...another heart.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.