Detailed translations for "signalhorn"

das Signalhorn{neuter}

1. general

Signalhorn(also: Jagdhorn)
Signalhorn(also: Sirene)
Signalhorn(also: Sirene)
Signalhorn(also: Sirene)

2. Bahn


3. music

Sie machen daraus eine Art Signalhorn und rufen die Gläubigen zum Houmfort.
They make a sort of bugle out of it to call the faithful to the houmfort.
2001, er hatte gerade ein Signalhorn aus dem 16. Jahrhundert aus einem Museum in Luzern in der
In 2001, he had just stolen a 16th century bugle from a museum in Lucerne, Switzerland... when an

4. astronomy

Signalhorn(also: Signalhupe)
Signalhorn(also: Signalhupe)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.