"uhrmacher" in English

Detailed translations for "uhrmacher"

der Uhrmacher{masculine}

Nein, mein Vater, Sidney, war ein Uhrmacher aus Nottingham. Und meine Mutter, Verity, war...
My father, Sidney, was a watchmaker from Nottingham and my mother, Verity, was...
Der Uhrmacher hasst Poco, und Bürgermeister Pudding würde alles tun, um im Amt zu bleiben.
The watchmaker hates Poco, and Mayor Pudding would do anything to stay in office.

Uhrmacher{masculine plural}

Die besten Uhrmacher der Welt kommen wohl aus Europa.
I imagine the finest watchmakers in the world come from Europe.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.