"wahrheitsgemaess" in English

Detailed translations for "wahrheitsgemaess"


wahrheitsgemäß(also: wahrhaftig)
Im Falle eines Deals muss Brendan gewiss wahrheitsgemäß gegen Steven Avery aussagen.
If there was a plea agreement made, Brendan certainly would be required to testify truthfully
Sie wissen also, dass ich alle Fragen wahrheitsgemäß beantwortete.
Surely you must realise I've answered truthfully every question put to me.


Ich habe versucht, wahrheitsgemäß zu berichten, was ich gesehen und getan habe.
I've tried to give a true accounting of what I have seen, what I have done.


wahrheitsgemäß(also: wahrheitsgetreu)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.