"a concentrated implementation of technological innovations typically will not get under way before the global economy has gone through a deep crisis" in German A concentrated implementation of technological innovations typically will not get under way before the global economy has gone through a deep crisis. Die geballte Durchsetzung von technischen Innovationen kommt immer erst in Gang, wenn die Weltwirtschaft eine tiefgreifende Krise durchlaufen hat. Detailed translations for "a concentrated implementation of technological innovations typically will not get under way before the global economy has gone through a deep crisis" A concentrated implementation of technological innovations typically will not get under way before the global economy has gone through a deep crisis. A concentrated implementation of technological innovations typically will not get under way before the global economy has gone through a deep crisis. Die geballte Durchsetzung von technischen Innovationen kommt immer erst in Gang, wenn die Weltwirtschaft eine tiefgreifende Krise durchlaufen hat.