"airspace" in German

Detailed translations for "airspace"


1. optics

der Luftabstand{masculine}

2. other

der Luftraum{masculine}
Private charters have been given military clearance to use intercontinental airspace at their own
Chartergesellschaften wurde erlaubt, den interkontinentalen Luftraum auf eigene Gefahr zu nutzen.
Chief. We just got word from the Coast Guard that they've opened up the airspace over the island.
Chef, die Küstenwache lässt mitteilen, dass der Luftraum freigegeben ist.

3. politics, over a country

der Luftraum{masculine}
We've been informed that due to some unusual migratory behavior, this airspace has been closed.
If you have bad intentions, Washington airspace certainly becomes treacherous.
Wenn Sie schlechte Absichten haben, wird der Luftraum von Washington trügerisch.

4. construction, of a cavity wall

die Luftschicht{feminine}

English synonyms for "airspace"

airspace {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.