Detailed translations for "aneurism"


aneurism(also: aneurysm)
die Arterienerweiterung{feminine}
aneurism(also: aneurysm)
die Pulsadergeschwulst{feminine}
aneurism(also: aneurysm)
die Schlagadergeschwulst{feminine}
aneurism(also: aneurysm)
das Aneurysma{neuter}
And, I'm not exactly sure what an aneurism feels like, but I suspect I'm pretty close.
Was auch immer ein Aneurysma sein mag, ich glaube, ich bin nahe dran.
So, now they're saying Uncle Ian died of an aneurism from all that drinking.
Sie sagen, Onkel Ian starb an einem Aneurysma vom Trinken.

English synonyms for "aneurism"

aneurism {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.