Detailed translations for "avalanche"


avalanche(also: snow-slip, snowslide)
die Lawine{feminine}
I'd like to wake up to news that Monaco had been wiped out by an avalanche of poorly built palaces.
Monaco sollte von einer Lawine schlechtgebauter Villen zerstört werden.
Well, he doesn't want to start an avalanche of requests for prisoners to artificially inseminate.
Nun, er will keine Lawine von Anfragen von Gefangen, für künstliche Befruchtungen los treten.
avalanche(also: snow-slip, snowslide)
der Lawinenabgang{masculine}
die Stoßentladung{feminine}

English synonyms for "avalanche"

avalanche {v}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.