English-German dictionary - Letter "B" - Page 70 blowtorchesblowupblowupsblowyblowzyBlu-Ray burnerBlu-Ray writerblubberblubberedblubberingblubbersbludgeonbludgeonedbludgeoningbludgeonsblueblue & black tanagerblue & gold damselblue & gold tanagerblue & grey sparrow hawkblue & white flycatcherblue & white mockingbirdblue & white swallowblue & yellow tanagerBlue and green should never be seen unless there's something in between.blue angelBlue Angelsblue annealingblue babyblue beretblue beretsblue bindweedblue bird of paradiseblue blindnessblue bloodblue bonnetblue bonnet/button/daisyblue bottle fliesblue brittlenessblue buntingblue bustardblue carbon paperblue castblue chaffinchblue cheeseblue chipblue chip companyblue chipsblue clayblue clubmossblue color botiablue color botiasblue colorationblue colourblue copperasblue copyblue cotingablue crabblue craneblue cross gazblue crowned pigeonblue dacnisblue damselblue devilblue dot jawfishblue dot sleeper gobyblue eared-pheasantBlue emphasis added by the author.blue eyedblue face angelblue fantailblue fenugreekblue film/movieblue films/moviesblue filterblue filtersblue finchblue firblue flare-up light blue flash bulbblue flycatcherblue gelblue gingerblue girdled angelblue glaze pigmentblue glaze pigmentsblue gouramiblue grama grassblue grosbeakblue groundblue ground cedarblue ground doveblue grouseblue gudgeonBlue Gumblue head tilefishblue helmetblue helmetsblue iron earthblue jayblue jeansblue krautblue lateral magnetblue lateral magnetsblue leadblue lightblue listblue luminescenceblue macawsblue Madagascar coucalblue mockingbirdblue moldblue monkshoodblue mouldblue mountain vireoblue mudBlue Nileblue ochreblue panchaxblue paradise-flycatcherblue peablue petrelblue pillblue pittablue poppiesblue printblue quartzblue rareblue reef chromisblue ribandblue ribbandblue ribbon eelblue rinseblue rock bindweedblue rock thrushblue sailorsblue sandblue scorpion grassblue screenblue seedeaterblue shortwingblue spinelblue spot butterflyfishblue spotted angelblue spruceblue stainblue star damselblue stripe butterflyfishblue stripe clownblue swallowblue tangblue temper heatblue torpedo gobyblue vangablue vatblue velvet damselfishblue violet