"ballads" in German

Detailed translations for "ballads"


ballads(also: lays)
Balladen{masculine plural}
Eight ballads from my early period, followed by the sonnets collection "The 12 months".
Dann 8 Balladen aus meiner frühen Schaffensperiode, gefolgt von der Sonetten-Sammlung "Die 12
Ladies and gentlemen, I have persuaded Miss Fairfax to perform three lovely ballads for us.
Sehr verehrte Damen und Herren, ich habe Miss Fairfax bewegen können, drei schöne Balladen zu
ballads(also: songs)
Lieder{masculine plural}
Some say as old as the stones themselves, passed down from generation to generation through ballads

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.