Detailed translations for "bass player"

bass player

bass player(also: double bass player, bassist)
der Kontrabassist{masculine}
bass player(also: double bass player, bassist)
die Kontrabassistin{feminine}
der Bassist{masculine}
And get this, the bass player was about to be released in 3 months after a 15-year stretch.
Noch was, der Bassist hätte in drei Monaten seine 15 Jahre Haft abgesessen.
Or if you just want to come by and jam, I used to be the bass player for the Pretenders.
Oder wenn ihr abrocken wollt... ich war mal Bassist bei The Pretenders.
die Bassistin{feminine}
She's a bass player in the best wedding band in the tri-state area.
Sie ist die Bassistin der besten Hochzeitsband im Dreiländereck.
I guess that leaves bass player for the Foo Fighters.
Na, dann steigst du als Bassistin bei den "Foo Fighters" ein.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.