"be rolling on the floor with laughter" in German to be rolling on the floor with laughter sich krummlachen sich schlapp lachen sich kaputtlachen sich zerkugeln sich zerwuzeln sich einen Schranz in den Bauch lachen Detailed translations for "be rolling on the floor with laughter" to be rolling on the floor with laughter to be rolling on the floor with laughter(also: to be in stitches, to be laughing oneself silly, to be doubled up with laughter, to be killing oneself laughing) sich krummlachen to be rolling on the floor with laughter(also: to be in stitches, to be laughing oneself silly, to be doubled up with laughter, to be killing oneself laughing) sich schlapp lachen to be rolling on the floor with laughter(also: to be in stitches, to be laughing oneself silly, to be doubled up with laughter, to be killing oneself laughing) sich kaputtlachen to be rolling on the floor with laughter(also: to be in stitches, to be laughing oneself silly, to be doubled up with laughter, to be killing oneself laughing) sich zerkugeln to be rolling on the floor with laughter(also: to be in stitches, to be laughing oneself silly, to be doubled up with laughter, to be killing oneself laughing) sich zerwuzeln to be rolling on the floor with laughter(also: to be in stitches, to be laughing oneself silly, to be doubled up with laughter, to be killing oneself laughing) sich einen Schranz in den Bauch lachen