Detailed translations for "bores"


Bohrungen{masculine plural}
bores(also: drags, stick-in-the-muds)
Langweiler{masculine plural}
bores(also: drags, stick-in-the-muds)
langweilige Menschen{masculine plural}
bores(also: drills)
In cases of hopeless lunacy he bores holes into the skull and operates on the brain!
Dieser nette Junge bohrt Löcher ins Gehirn... in die Schädeldecke hinein, damit er operieren kann!
And a machine bores a hole clear through.
Und dann bohrt die Maschine das Loch da durch.
And don't start in with your Vegas Vinnie rap. I've heard it. lt bores me.
Und kein Gerede über Vegas Vinnie. Ich kenne es. Es langweilt mich.
It's the day-to-day stuff that bores him. - Yeah.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.