Detailed translations for "brawl"


die Rauferei{feminine}
brawl(also: beating)
die Prügelei{feminine}
The marriage is legally valid and this brawl was pretty much the stupidest thing you could have
Die Trauung ist rechtsgültig und diese Prügelei war so ziemlich das Dümmste, was Sie tun konnten.
Constable Collins, was this young man running with the Portsiders during the brawl last week?
Constable Collins, war dieser junge Mann auf der Seite der Portsider bei der Prügelei letzte Woche?
die Keilerei{feminine}
die Klopperei{feminine}
der Raufhandel{masculine}

to brawl

to brawl(also: to whoosh)
to brawl
to brawl(also: to contend, to spat)
to brawl
krakeelen{intransitive verb}
to brawl
to brawl
to brawl

English synonyms for "brawl"

brawl {n}
brawl {v}

Copyright © 2023, unless otherwise noted - All rights reserved
The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.