Detailed translations for "bulletproof"


1. technology

bulletproof(also: bullet-proof)
She's a security specialist, trained in defensive combat, and the car's bulletproof and fully
selbstverständlich kugelsicher und voll gepanzert.
You know, there's somethin' powerful about seeing a black man that's bulletproof and unafraid.
Ich finde, es hat etwas Ermutigendes, einen Schwarzen zu sehen, der kugelsicher und unerschrocken
bulletproof(also: bullet-proof)
bulletproof(also: bullet-proof)

2. other

bulletproof(also: impregnable, inexpugnable)
bulletproof(also: rain-proof, watertight)
And he's had plenty of time to bulletproof his story.
Und er hatte viel Zeit, seine Version wasserdicht zu machen.

to bulletproof

to bulletproof

English synonyms for "bulletproof"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.