Detailed translations for "butcher s"


butcher's(also: butcher's shop)
die Fleischerei{feminine}
At the butcher's a baby's watching a dog that's watching the chickens roasting.
Vor der Fleischerei beobachtet ein Kind einen Hund, der die Brathühner anstarrt.
He runs a butcher's shop in Queens.
butcher's(also: butcher's shop)
der Fleischerladen{masculine}
butcher's(also: butcher's shop)
die Metzgerei{feminine}
You think our meeting at the butcher's was a coincidence?
Denkst Du, dass das Zusammentreffen in der Metzgerei Zufall war?
I'd rather work in a butcher's shop.
Eher würde ich in einer Metzgerei arbeiten.
butcher's(also: butcher's shop)
der Metzgerladen{masculine}
butcher's(also: butcher's shop)
die Schlächterei{feminine}
butcher's(also: butcher's shop)
die Fleischhauerei{feminine}
butcher's(also: butcher's shops)
Fleischereien{masculine plural}
butcher's(also: butcher's shops)
Fleischerläden{masculine plural}
butcher's(also: butcher's shops)
Metzgereien{masculine plural}
butcher's(also: butcher's shops)
Metzgerläden{masculine plural}
butcher's(also: butcher's shops)
Schlächtereien{masculine plural}
butcher's(also: butcher's shops)
Fleischhauereien{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.