English-German dictionary - Letter "C" 'Calm Sea and P... - cable corecable crane - cabmencabochon - caged laddercaged ladders - calcium metalcalcium oxide - caliphcaliphate - calling oncalling on/upon - camber weldcambered - camping lampcamping lamps - canariescanarium trees - canister filtercanister purge ... - cantilever armcantilever arms - cape dikkopCape Dutch - capital: Adelai...capital: Albany... - captainshipcaptamine - car industrycar inspection - caramelised alm...caramelising - carbonizing fla...carbonless - cardercarder bees - careerscareers officer - carnet TIRcarnets de pass... - carriage interl...carriage of an ... - cart-roadcartage - case conferencecase depth - cash messengercash messenger ... - cast coatingcast concrete - Casualties were...casualty - catalytic plati...catalytic poisi... - catenary inspec...catenary inspec... - Cauchy problemCauchy product - cave dwellercave dwellers - ceiling gridsceiling heating - cellar skylightcellar stair - center bearingscenter bit - central defende...central door lo... - centreboardercentreboarders - cerebral infarc...cerebral infarc... - cervical verteb...cervical verteb... - chain letterchain letters - chalcophanitechalcophile - chancedchancel - changed sideschanged suddenl... - Chapin's flycat...chaplain - charge-handcharge-hands - chartered/certi...charterer - cheating on sb.cheatingly - cheek pouchcheek teeth - chemical ecolog...chemical engine... - cherry mahoganycherry on the c... - chestnut-headed...chestnut-headed... - chief guardsChief Informati... - childishnesschildless - chimneychimney black - chip formationchip length rat... - chlorine makerschlorine nitrat... - chokeholdchokeholds - christening/nam...christenings - chromolithograp...chromonychia - chunk of woodchunk sampling - cigarette light...cigarette machi... - circle of force...circle of frien... - circulatorcirculator turb... - cisternscit - civil engineer ...civil engineeri... - Claisen condens...Claisen flask - clarifying agen...clarifying talk - classroomclassroom cours... - cleaningcleaning agent - clearing agreem...clearing agreem... - click wheelclick wheels - climbing wallsclimbing/traili... - cloak room tick...cloak-and-dagge... - close of busine...close of stock ... - closing during ...closing flap - cloud layercloud layers - cluster fliescluster headach... - co-productionco-productions - coal seamscoal shaft - coastal terrace...coastal traffic - cocarboxylasecocci - code namecode names - coffee grinderscoffee grounds - cohune oilcohune-nut oil - cold snapscold sore - collarredcollars - collectivelycollectively ag... - Colombocolon - coloringscolorist - colposcopecols - combicombi-ticket - come in the nic...Come in! - coming into blo...coming into col... - commercial arbi... commercial arbi... - commissioned wo...commissioner - common calabash...common capital ... - common purslanecommon pygmywee... - communication s...communication s... - comorbiditycomoro blue pig... - company transfo...company vehicle - compensation di...compensation fo... - complementary s...complementary s... - component, elem...component-by-co... - compressed-air ...compressed-air ... - computercomputer advice - computer-aided ...computer-aided ... - concept errorsconcept formati... - concomitant phe...concomitant phe... - concrete sprayi...concrete stairc... - conditional tra...conditionality - cone springcone springs - confining press...confining to - congealingcongealing appa... - conjunctconjunction - connector housi...connector inser... - conservatorsconservatory - consortium memb...consortium memb... - construction ac...construction ac... - constructive ap...constructive di... - contact addresscontact address... - container dollycontainer filte... - contestcontestable - continuous purl...continuous rain - contracted blad...contracted in - Contributions w...contributive - control tapecontrol tapes - conventional an...conventional ar... - conveyance of c...conveyance of l... - cooking stovecooking stoves - cooperative apa...cooperative ban... - copper wirecopper works - coral limecoral necklace - core subjectscore support st... - corner stakecorner stand - corps diplomati...Corps of Engine... - corrugated core...corrugated core... - cosmopolitescosmopolitical - costume playcostume rental - couchette coach...couchette suppl... - counter-attackcounter-attacki... - counterpoisecounterpoised - country partici...country policem... - course of ozone...course of studi... - covalent radiuscovalently - covetousnesscovey - crack testingcrack troop - crank adjusting...crank arm - crawl relay tea...crawl space - creatorscreature - creep fatiguecreep fatique - crested wheatgr...crested white-e... - criminal discre...criminal eviden... - crisis of your ...crisis situatio... - croonercrooners - cross travel co...cross travel li... - cross-validatio...cross-wire susp... - crow's footcrow's-feet - crude assaycrude bitumen - crust of the ea...crustaceans - crystallophobiacrystals - culinary deligh...culinary depart... - culvertculvert constru... - curatorship for...curatorship for... - current fluctua...current fluctua... - curve fittingcurve follower - customer ordercustomer orders - cut to the headcut to vagina i... - cutting a dovet...cutting a film - cybercaféscybercrime - cylinderscylindric - to call on/upon...to call on/upon... - to carry onto carry on / f... - to cause feelin...to cause geneti... - to change/modif...to channel - to chug-a-lug s...to chugalug sth... - to climb downto climb on the... - to collateraliz...to collect - to come to see ...to come to sth. - to compliment s...to comply - to conjectureto conjoin - to contrastto contrast ple... - to count out st...to count over - to create wealt...to create/build... - to cumto cumulate - to cycle power