"either" in German

Detailed translations for "either"


1. + singluar

Those missiles travel at a speed of 600mph. It could hit a target on either coast in three hours.
Er kann beide Küsten in weniger als drei Stunden erreichen.
[chuckles] Well, would either of you care for some Blood of Christ fruit punch?
Möchten Sie beide etwas vom Blut-Christi-Früchtepunsch?
Tell the chief to take a position between runway two-niner and 2-2 so they can move either way.
Sie sollen zwischen Rollbahn 2-9 und 2-2 anfliegen, damit beides möglich ist.
Now we are absolutely prepared to do either or both of these things... if we need to. Do you
Aber wir sind darauf vorbereitet, beides zu tun, wenn es sein muss, verstehen Sie?

2. other

Well, it's either that, or... some kind of weird coincidence. There is another possibility.
Nun, entweder das oder... irgendein komischer Zufall.
Lots of people could have had a motive to either harm either Avid in general or Noel specifically.
Viele hätten ein Motiv gehabt, entweder Avid im Allgemeinen oder Noel im Besonderen schaden zu

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.