"feathers" in German

Detailed translations for "feathers"


1. ornithology

das Gefieder{neuter}
"He will cover you with his feathers and you will find refuge under his wings.
"Mit seinem Gefieder deckt er dich, unter seinen Flügeln birgt er dich.
So, you get a ruffle in your feathers and just decide to disappear, go stick your head in the sand
Also hat man dir... das Gefieder gesträubt und du hast entschieden, zu verschwinden, um für immer

2. other

Vogelfedern{masculine plural}
Does the cleaning of bird feathers ever end, Daye hatun?
Kann man je alle Vogelfedern auflesen, Hatun Daye?
Federn{masculine plural}
If you want the feathers to remain, we could try the dish, I suppose, by leaving the feathers as
Falls Sie auf die Federn bestehen, könnten wir das Gericht mal so versuchen und die Federn
A bird runs its beak through its feather re-zipping feathers that have come apart.
Wenn der Vogel den Schnabel durch die Federn zieht schließt und glättet er seine Federn wieder.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.