"final phase" in German final phase Endstadium Endphase Endstufe Detailed translations for "final phase" final phase final phase(also: final stage, terminal stage, terminal phase) das Endstadium{neuter} final phase(also: final stage, terminal stage, terminal phase) die Endphase{feminine} It's the final phase of the race. and we're so excited just like the spectators here. Source: opensubtitles.org Corpus by OPUS Request review Es ist die Endphase des Rennens und wir sind so aufgeregt, wie die Zuschauer hier. His final phase is about to start. Source: opensubtitles.org Corpus by OPUS Request review Die Endphase steht bevor. final phase(also: final stage, terminal stage, terminal phase) die Endstufe{feminine}