"fingertip" in German

Detailed translations for "fingertip"


1. general

fingertip(also: tip of the finger)
die Fingerspitze{feminine}
Well, the only explosive chemicals in our victim's blood or on that fingertip were already
Nun, die einzigen explosiven Chemikalien im Blut unseres Opfers oder an dieser Fingerspitze waren
It looks like the fingertip from a latex glove. Must have torn off.
Die Fingerspitze von einem Latexhandschuh.

2. anatomy

fingertip(also: finger tip)
die Fingerkuppe{feminine}
I heard someone found a fingertip in their chilli once.
Jemand hat mal eine Fingerkuppe in seinem Chili gefunden.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.