Detailed translations for "football player"

football player

football player(also: kicker)
der Fußballspieler{masculine}
A football player has to be able to do an incredible number of things.
Ein Fußballspieler muss brutal viele Sachen können.
football player(also: kicker)
die Fußballspielerin{feminine}
football player(also: kicker)
der Fußballer{masculine}
football player(also: kicker)
die Fußballerin{feminine}
football player(also: kicker)
der Kicker{masculine}
football player(also: kicker)
der Ballesterer{masculine}
football player(also: kicker)
der Tschütteler{masculine}

English synonyms for "football player"

football player {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.