"full house" in German

Detailed translations for "full house"

full house

1. card game

full house
das Fullhouse{neuter}

2. other

full house(also: outsold, booked up, sold out, full up)
We haven't had a full house in as long as I can remember.
Ich weiß nicht, wann wir das letzte Mal ausverkauft waren.
It's the first full house since Dodge City.
Zum ersten Mal ausverkauft seit Dodge City.
full house
I've seen you bring a full house to their feet, but you have never been better than you were
Ich habe gesehen, wie du ein volles Haus von den Sitzen gerissen hast, aber du warst nie besser als
Wish I could tell you there's a full house out there, but there is not.
Leider kann ich nicht sagen, dass wir ein volles Haus haben.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.