Detailed translations for "getaway vehicle"

getaway vehicle

getaway vehicle(also: getaway car)
das Fluchtwagen{neuter}
We have just received word that Conway's getaway vehicle has been found abandoned in Winston.
Conways Fluchtwagen wurde in Winston gefunden.
The gang's getaway vehicle was abandoned in the Narrows.
Der Fluchtwagen der Bande wurde in den Narrows abgestellt.
getaway vehicle(also: escape vehicle, getaway car)
das Fluchtfahrzeug{neuter}
He actually chooses what might be the most ludicrous getaway vehicle in the history of heists.
Er wählt das wahrscheinlich skurrilste Fluchtfahrzeug in der Geschichte der Raubüberfälle.
They could have had the getaway vehicle parked there.
Sie hätten das Fluchtfahrzeug dort parken können.
getaway vehicle(also: getaway car)
das Fluchtauto{neuter}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.