"glycerin" in German

Detailed translations for "glycerin"


glycerin(also: glycerine, glycerol)
das Glyzerin{neuter}
[Elevator bell dings] So the water bottle that blew up had traces of glycerin and potassium
Also, die Wasserflasche, die hochging, enthielt Spuren von Glyzerin und Kaliumperma...
The glycerin is sugar alcohol with uses from food sweetener to antifreeze.
Das Glyzerin ist Zuckeralkohol, mit Anwendungen von Süßungsmittel bis Frostschutz.
glycerin(also: glycerine, glycerol)
das Glyzerol{neuter}

English synonyms for "glycerin"

glycerin {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.