"guilty" in German

Detailed translations for "guilty"


guilty(also: conscience-stricken)
All right, now, remember, look guilty when he catches us.
Ok, denken Sie dran, schuldbewusst aussehen, wenn er uns erwischt.
You're the one with the guilty look on your face.
Du bist derjenige, der schuldbewusst dreinschaut.
The court declares Koenraad Allegaerts guilty of assault and battery and guilty of inciting
Das Gericht erklärt Koenraad Allegaerts tätlichen Angriffs und der Körperverletzung für schuldig
Listen, don't feel guilty because I'll start feeling guilty that I made you feel guilty and...

English synonyms for "guilty"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.