Detailed translations for "guitar player"

guitar player

guitar player(also: guitarist)
der Gitarrist{masculine}
I mean, he was just this pretty boy guitar player in this amazing rock band.
Er war echt wunderschön. Ein Gitarrist in einer Rockband.
Of course, being the guitar player and the singer, that traditional front person role, and it's a
Er war der Gitarrist und Sänger und nahm somit die traditionelle Rolle des Frontmannes ein. Und das
guitar player(also: guitarist)
die Gitarristin{feminine}
guitar player(also: guitarist)
der Gitarrenspieler{masculine}
- He's the lead singer and guitar player for the band we booked for tonight.
- Er ist der Frontmann und Gitarrenspieler der Band die wir für heute Abend gebucht haben.
I got a guitar player called Toots Sweet.
Ich hab einen Gitarrenspieler namens Toots Sweet.
guitar player(also: guitarist)
die Gitarrenspielerin{feminine}

English synonyms for "guitar player"

guitar player {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.