Detailed translations for "hairdressers"


hairdressers(also: hairstylists, coiffeurs)
Frisöre{masculine plural}
hairdressers(also: hairstylists, coiffeurs)
Frisörinnen{masculine plural}
hairdressers(also: hairstylists, coiffeurs)
Friseure{masculine plural}
All of the hairdressers in London got dressed up for a fancy ball at Albert Hall.
Alle Friseure Londons haben sich für einen Ball schick gemacht.
In Baltimore all the hairdressers were gay men, and I mean, very gay.
In Baltimore waren alle Friseure schwul - äußerst schwul.
hairdressers(also: hairstylists, coiffeurs)
Friseurinnen{masculine plural}
Friseusen{masculine plural}
Not even hairdressers or waiters have got the patience anymore.
Nicht mal Friseusen oder Kellner haben Geduld.
hairdressers(also: hairstylists, coiffeurs)
Coiffeure{masculine plural}
hairdressers(also: hairstylists, coiffeurs)
Coiffeurinnen{masculine plural}
der Frisörsalon{masculine}
der Friseursalon{masculine}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.