Detailed translations for "hardest"


hardest(also: flintiest)
Now, if you're asking if he was the hardest worker ever, well, that's another question.
Wenn Sie mich fragen, ob er der am härtesten Arbeitende war, nun, das ist etwas anderes.
the ones that claim that they can eat everything they want to they are the ones working hardest of
Diejenigen, die behaupten, sie könnten alles essen, was sie wollten... Das sind diejenigen, die am
But the ones that Takayama made were always the hardest to solve.
Takayamas Codes waren am schwersten zu knacken.
That it's the hardest thing ever to trust someone enough to let them have their secrets.
Dass es am schwersten ist, anderen so sehr zu vertrauen, dass man ihnen ihre Geheimnisse lässt.
hardest(also: testiest)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.