"higher school certificate" in German Higher School Certificate Reifeprüfung Gymnasialabschluss Abiturprüfung Abitur Abi Matura Maturität Maturitätsprüfung Detailed translations for "higher school certificate" Higher School Certificate Higher School Certificate(also: school leaving examination, A-levels, High School Diploma, Victorian Certificate of Education /VCE/) die Reifeprüfung{feminine} Higher School Certificate(also: school leaving examination, A-levels, High School Diploma, Victorian Certificate of Education /VCE/) der Gymnasialabschluss{masculine} Higher School Certificate(also: school leaving examination, A-levels, High School Diploma, Victorian Certificate of Education /VCE/) die Abiturprüfung{feminine} Higher School Certificate(also: school leaving examination, A-levels, High School Diploma, Victorian Certificate of Education /VCE/) das Abitur{neuter} Higher School Certificate(also: school leaving examination, A-levels, High School Diploma, Victorian Certificate of Education /VCE/) das Abi{neuter} Higher School Certificate(also: school leaving examination, A-levels, High School Diploma, Victorian Certificate of Education /VCE/) die Matura{feminine} Higher School Certificate(also: school leaving examination, A-levels, High School Diploma, Victorian Certificate of Education /VCE/) die Maturität{feminine} Higher School Certificate(also: school leaving examination, A-levels, High School Diploma, Victorian Certificate of Education /VCE/) die Maturitätsprüfung{feminine}