Detailed translations for "home address"

home address

1. computing

home address
die Ausgangsadresse{feminine}
home address(also: branch address, jump address)
die Sprungadresse{feminine}

2. other

home address(also: address in home country)
die Heimatadresse{feminine}
home address
die Wohnanschrift{feminine}
D.A. got cute and sent to your mother's home address instead of her office.
Der Staatsanwalt schickte es an eure Wohnanschrift statt in das Büro deiner Mom.
home address
die Privatadresse{feminine}
We've uh, got his birthday, his home address and his government I.D. number.
Wir haben sein Geburtsdatum, seine Privatadresse und seine Indentifizierungsnummer.
Philip, get me the home address of Graydon Carter's assistant.
Philip, gib mir die Privatadresse von Graydon Carters Assistentin.
home address
die Wohnadresse{feminine}
She lost her life to a stalker, who found her home address using LifeTrace.
Sie verlor ihr Leben durch einen Stalker, der ihre Wohnadresse durch "LifeTrace" fand.
No known home address or place of employment for Marcos.
Keine bekannte Wohnadresse oder Arbeitsplatz von Marcos.
home address
die Wohnsitzadresse{feminine}
home address
die Wohnungsadresse{feminine}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.