Detailed translations for "hydrogen bomb"

hydrogen bomb

hydrogen bomb(also: H-bomb, fusion bomb, thermonuclear bomb)
die Wasserstoffbombe{feminine}
What is more sensitive than the development of the hydrogen bomb prior to its detonation?
Was ist noch heikler als die Entwicklung der Wasserstoffbombe vor ihrer Detonation?
And now Castiel is in the wind with a hydrogen bomb in his pocket, and I - - I'm scared, for all of
Und jetzt ist Castiel verschwunden, mit einer Wasserstoffbombe in seiner Tasche, und ich... ich
hydrogen bomb(also: H-bomb, fusion bomb, thermonuclear bomb)
die H-Bombe{feminine}
hydrogen bomb(also: H-bomb, fusion bomb, thermonuclear bomb)
die thermonukleare Bombe{feminine}

English synonyms for "hydrogen bomb"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.