Detailed translations for "hypodermic"


1. general

das Hypoderm{neuter}

2. medicine

hypodermic(also: hypodermic syringe)
die Injektionsspritze{feminine}
Which gave you plenty of time to go into Dr King's tent... take the hypodermic syringe and put an
Was Ihnen genügend Zeit ließ, in Dr. Kings Zelt zu gehen, die Injektionsspritze zu nehmen und eine
hypodermic(also: subcutaneous)
hypodermic(also: subcutaneous)
hypodermic(also: subcutaneous)
hypodermic(also: subcutaneous)

3. anatomy

hypodermic(also: hypodermatic)
hypodermic(also: hypodermatic)
hypodermic(also: hypodermatic)
hypodermic(also: hypodermatic)
unter der Haut{adjectiv}

English synonyms for "hypodermic"

hypodermic {a}
hypodermic {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.