"iced tea" in German

Detailed translations for "iced tea"

iced tea

iced tea
der Eistee{masculine}
- Sweetie, it's in the iced tea pitcher that we got in the garage sale upstate on the iced tea
- Ist es... - Süßer, er ist in der Eistee Kanne, welche wir bei diesem Garagen-Flohmarkt gekauft
It's porterhouse steak, mashed... no... creamed potatoes, green peas, iced tea and ice cream.
Es gibt Porterhousesteak, Kartoffelpüree und Erbsen. Eistee und Eis.

English synonyms for "iced tea"

iced tea {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.