English-German dictionary - Letter "J" - Page 25 joint actionjoint and severaljoint and several contractjoint and several debtjoint and several debtorjoint and several debtorsjoint and several guaranteejoint and several liabilityjoint and several obligationjoint and several obligorjoint and several obligorsjoint aquiferjoint arthroplastyjoint attentionjoint authorjoint authorsjoint boxjoint boycottjoint brushjoint brushesjoint capsulejoint capsulesjoint clearancejoint committee under Article 53a of the German Constitution joint competencejoint custodyjoint custody with the fatherJoint Customs and Police Narcotics Investigation Teamjoint cutterjoint cuttersjoint decision-making powerjoint demandjoint diagramjoint direct attack munitionjoint diseasejoint distributionjoint editorjoint facejoint facesjoint familiesjoint familyjoint guarantee creditjoint guarantee creditsjoint guarantorjoint guarantorsjoint heirjoint heirs