"judge of character" in German

Detailed translations for "judge of character"

judge of character

judge of character
der Menschenkenner{masculine}
Okay, here's an opinion for you. You're a bad judge of character and your shirt looks like vomit.
Du bist ein schlechter Menschenkenner und dein Hemd sieht wie Kotze aus.
-I don't know, Jay, depends how good a judge of character you are.
Kommt drauf an, ob du ein guter Menschenkenner bist.
judge of character
die Menschenkennerin{feminine}
Apparently, she's a better judge of character than I am.
Anscheinend ist sie eine bessere Menschenkennerin als ich.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.