"lizards" in German

Detailed translations for "lizards"


Eidechsen{masculine plural}
Those lizards at the Cormorant Cliffs have to be Fijian Crested Iguanas.
Diese Eidechsen an der Kormoran-Klippe müssen Kammleguane sein.
I ain't gonna kill you but this land is filling up with more shirttail lizards than rocks to hide
Ich töte dich zwar nicht, aber in diesem Land gibt es mehr Eidechsen als Felsen.
Echsen{masculine plural}
These lizards are like land crocodiles, and their teeth are like tiger sharks´.
Diese Echsen sind wie KrokodiIe, ihre Zähne scharf wie Haifischzähne.
First the lizards take away their jobs, then they go for the jugular.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.