Detailed translations for "loan agreement"

loan agreement

1. finance

loan agreement(also: contract of loan)
der Darlehensvertrag{masculine}
I got a hold of Elena's loan agreement with Sue Ellen, and I found the best trigger for your mother
Ich habe hier auch Elenas Darlehensvertrag mit Sue Ellen. Und ich habe das Szenario gefunden, bei
loan agreement(also: credit agreement, credit contract)
der Kreditvertrag{masculine}
For it was created out of nothing as soon as the loan agreement was signed.
Denn es wurde aus dem Nichts heraus erschaffen, sobald der Kreditvertrag unterschrieben war.

2. law

loan agreement
der Leihvertrag{masculine}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.