Detailed translations for "luncheon vouchers"

luncheon vouchers

luncheon vouchers(also: meal tickets, meal cards)
Essenmarken{masculine plural}
luncheon vouchers(also: meal tickets, meal cards)
Essensmarken{masculine plural}
Let's give them some luncheon vouchers and let them wander the bloody streets.
Geben wir ihnen Essensmarken und lassen sie frei herumlaufen.
luncheon vouchers(also: meal tickets, meal cards)
Essensbons{masculine plural}
luncheon vouchers(also: meal tickets, meal cards)
Essenscoupons{masculine plural}
luncheon vouchers(also: meal tickets, meal cards)
Essensgutscheine{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.