"market price" in German

Detailed translations for "market price"

market price

1. finance

market price(also: quoted price, listed price, market value)
der Kurswert{masculine}

2. economics

market price
der Marktpreis{masculine}
You see the market price go up and down on the VDU here, which only you can see.
Du siehst den Marktpreis auf dem Bildschirm hier rauf und runter gehen, was nur Du sehen kannst.
Dawson and Hughes market price rising sharp.
Dawson und Hughes Marktpreis steigt scharf.

3. other

market price(also: current price)
der Tagespreis{masculine}

English synonyms for "market price"

market price {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.