Detailed translations for "mashed potatoes"

mashed potatoes

mashed potatoes(also: creamed potatoes, mash)
der Kartoffelbrei{masculine}
Fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy contains about 1000 calories and 50 percent fat.
Ein Brathähnchen mit Kartoffelbrei hat 1000 Kalorien und 50 Prozent Fett.
Yeah, that's the kind... with the dressing and the mashed potatoes and the gravy.
- Genau, so eins. Mit Kartoffelbrei und Bratensoße.
mashed potatoes(also: creamed potatoes, mash)
das Kartoffelpüree{neuter}
I'm talking about clumpy mashed potatoes and pale, flaccid string beans.
Ich spreche von klumpigem Kartoffelpüree und blassen, verkochten Bohnen.
I was covered in sloppy joe and mashed potatoes and vegetable medley.
Ich war voller Fleischbrocken, Kartoffelpüree und Eintopf.
mashed potatoes(also: creamed potatoes, mash)
der Kartoffelmus{masculine}
mashed potatoes(also: creamed potatoes, mash)
Stampfkartoffeln{masculine plural}
All we're gonna serve is turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and stuffing.
Alles, was wir servieren ist, Truthahn, Cranberrie-Sauce, Stampfkartoffeln und Füllung.
You know, and they go out and get little takeout boxes with mashed potatoes and meat loaf and try
Und ziehen dann los, um sich Essen zum Mitnehmen holen... Stampfkartoffeln und Hackbällchen in
mashed potatoes(also: creamed potatoes, mash)
Quetschkartoffeln{masculine plural}
mashed potatoes(also: creamed potatoes, mash)
das Erdäpfelpüree{neuter}
mashed potatoes(also: creamed potatoes, mash)
der Kartoffelstock{masculine}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.