Detailed translations for "maternal"


maternal(also: maternalistic)
Well, perhaps maternal isn't... quite the right word.
Vielleicht ist mütterlich nicht ganz das richtige Wort.
I think you're confusing being maternal with being human.
Ich glaube, dass Sie mütterlich und menschlich sein durcheinander bringen.
maternal(also: on my mother's side)
Jeannie, your maternal grandfather was Chief Rabbi of Philadelphia in 1932.
Ihr Großvater mütterlicherseits war 1932 Oberrabbiner von Philadelphia.
The MacLeishes leave behind two daughters, Lexi and Blake, who will be staying with their maternal
Die MacLeishs hinterlassen zwei Töchter, Lexi und Blake, die zu den Großeltern mütterlicherseits

English synonyms for "maternal"

maternal {a}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.