Detailed translations for "mental hospitals"

mental hospitals

mental hospitals(also: mental homes, psychiatric hospitals)
psychiatrische Kliniken{masculine plural}
mental hospitals(also: mental homes, psychiatric hospitals)
psychiatrische Anstalten{masculine plural}
Psychiatrien{masculine plural}
But you told me that there were no mental hospitals in the area.
Aber Sie sagten, es gibt keine Psychiatrien in dieser Gegend.
Trust me, mental hospitals are chock-full of people who have spent their lives trying to wrap their
Glaub mir, Psychiatrien sind voll von Menschen die ihr Leben damit verbracht haben, Dinge, die sie
mental hospitals(also: mental homes, psychiatric hospitals)
Nervenkliniken{masculine plural}
Something about mental hospitals really just... Gets me going.
Irgendetwas an Nervenkliniken bringt mich einfach... in Fahrt.
mental hospitals(also: mental homes, psychiatric hospitals)
Nervenheilanstalten{masculine plural}
All our mental hospitals have now taken the responsibility.
Alle unsere Nervenheilanstalten haben jetzt die Verantwortung übernommen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.