"metabolism" in German

Detailed translations for "metabolism"


1. archaeology

der Metabolismus{masculine}
His metabolism is overcompensating, forcing his nervous system to shut down.
Sein Metabolismus überkompensiert, zwingt sein Nervensystem zur Abschaltung.
He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis.
Er optimierte Metabolismus und thermale Homöostase.

2. biology

der Stoffwechsel{masculine}
That's all. Okay, Bobby mentioned that these suckers have a metabolism like an insect.
Laut Bobby haben diese Mistkerle den Stoffwechsel eines Insekts.
Yeah, I don't think Ravi factored in mitochondrial metabolism as an effect of the interaction...
Ja, ich glaube, Ravi hat den mitochondrialen Stoffwechsel als Effekt der Wechselwirkung nicht
der Metabolismus{masculine}
He's got about a 15-percent metabolism with an overactive thyroid and a glandular affectation of
Er leidet unter 15% igem Metabolismus mit überaktiver Schilddrüse und 3% iger Drüsenvortäuschung.
Killy's metabolism is different from normal humans.

English synonyms for "metabolism"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.