"more resourceful" in German

Detailed translations for "more resourceful"

more resourceful

more resourceful
The children have proven more resourceful than expected.
You always prove to be more resourceful Than I give you credit for.
Du beweist immer findiger zu sein, als ich dir eingestehe.
more resourceful(also: more inventive)
Yes, isn't it. I humbly submit, professor, that to the very end I've been more resourceful than
Ich behaupte in aller Bescheidenheit, Professor, dass ich bis zum Ende einfallsreicher war als Sie.
And she did. But it seems that Ms. Swan is rather more resourceful than we thought.
Aber es scheint, dass Ms. Swan einfallsreicher ist, als wir dachten.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.