"morse code" in German

Detailed translations for "morse code"

Morse code

Morse code(also: Morse)
das Morsealphabet{neuter}
He learned Morse code in your school?
Morse code
der Morsecode{masculine}
Yeah. We figured out how to say "fuck you" in Morse code with our porch lights.
Ja, wir sagen uns "Leck mich" in Morsecode mit den Verandalampen.
Oh, thank you, Casey. I haven't used Morse code since basic training.
Ich habe Morsecode seit der Grundausbildung nicht mehr benutzt.
Morse code
der Morsekode{masculine}

English synonyms for "morse code"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.